Wednesday, July 31, 2019

July Wrap-Up

Another month gone and you all know what that means. Time for my monthly wrap-up!


A lot happened in this month. Honestly I'm a little surprised by how much happened. For one I bought a car which is terrifying for sure. My uncle and cousin from Texas came to visit and we went to the zoo and had a grand old time. Also we went to the Medieval Faire. I went as a pirate dragon queen (as opposed to the pirate dragon king *winks at certain someones*).


I've been in a bit of a reading slump for most of the month, but I think toward the end of the month, I finally got out of it.

The King's Daughter by R.F. Gammon
5 stars
Beta Read//Rishatta Woods// Fire and Ice

The Story Peddler by Lindsay Franklin
4 stars
Story Time// Magical Ribbons// Christian Themes
The Story Raider by Lindsay Franklin
5 stars
Adventure//Search for a Cure// Long Live the Queen


Shocking as it is, this was actually my first time watching this classic. It was actually pretty good. I was somewhat worried that it would be like Top Gun and a classic for no reason, but it actually stood on its own.

Went to see this in theaters with my whole family including my uncle, cousin, and grandparents. It was an enjoyable movie, with a lot of fresh humor and warm feels.

*incoherent sobbing* Annnnddd we are moving on...

Okay, so this movie was actually AMAZING. I loved it so much. It was a nonstop adrenaline rush which for this adrenaline junkie is perfectly ideal. It is rated R I think, mostly for violence and language, but beyond that point I would 100% recommend.

Surprised to say that this is my first Batman solo movie I have seen (notwithstanding The Lego Batman Movie), which is just outrageous given that he is my favorite DC superhero. Needless to say I found this movie extremely enjoyable. The Joker was an amazing villain, oh my word, he probably made the movie. Still a hardcore Wonderbat fan though...

I laughed, I cried, I cried some more. Farewell childhood!

*still more incoherent sobbing* MY ROOOOSSSSEEEEE IS GOOONNNEEEE!!! I've only seen the first few episodes so far, but I do not appreciate all the reminders of Rose they keep throwing in there. Each one is a punch to the feels.

Finished up Justice League Season Two and am now onto Justice League Unlimited Season One. If you think the reason I am watching this is to see my precious Wonderbat ship sail then you are 100% correct.


So I asked if y'all wanted to see more of my artwork and the answer was a resounding 'yes'. I decided to add a section to my wrap-ups for a few pieces of artwork I do throughout the month. I did so much drawing this month, probably the most drawing I have ever done in such a short period of time. But here are a few of my favorites.

A couple portrait I did of Faith's characters from her WIP Not the Chosen One

Jaye and Ravven from my own Of Gold and Iron

More of Faith's characters, but I'm not saying who or what book they are from

Same for this one XD

My own attempt at drawing Wonderbat fan art

When I said I was obsessed, I meant it


This month was Camp NaNo and I focused on My Time in Amar books two and three. I started Season of Subterfuge. But mostly I focused on Time of Trepidation. I wrote more than 35k in it (which wasn't anywhere near my goal for camp, but oh well), and now only have a couple of chapters left in it. I'm hoping to finish up this draft this week. I've already decided that September 1st will be the day that I republish it. If you want to have the chance to be an ARC reviewer you can sign up here.

On top of that, I wrote a piece of flash fiction for Havok. Also they accepted another one of my stories which will be published on August 12th so don't miss that!

Well that's all for this month. How was your July? Did any of you participate in Camp NaNo this month? Do any of you ship Wonderbat as well? Comment Below!


  1. YOUR FAITH ARTWORK IS KILLING ME STAAAAAAAP. How are you so fantastic at drawing characters???

    Pirate dragon king. Right. *gulps*

  2. I LOVE THE WEAVER TRILOGY and I'm so glad you enjoyed it! (Book two was definitely better than book one.) #MoreMor

  3. YOUR ARTWORK IS FANTABULOUS, NICKI!!! <333 (and yessss, welcome to #Rishatta4Life. We’re only slightly insane. ;) )

  4. Bahahaha I love the art so much <33333 I love it I love it I love and also AHHHH THANK YOU FOR MY FIRST OFFICIAL FIVE-STAR RATING *screams*


    I signed up already. TOTALLY EXCITED!!! CAN'T WAIT!!! Yay, for getting another piece submitted and accepted by Havok! <3

  6. Those drawings are GREAT!!! Wish I could draw my own art. *sobs*

  7. Love all the art! Doctor Who is amazing! It will break your heart though.
