Monday, November 30, 2020

Glorious Victory, I Have Conquered NaNo!


November was a super stressful month for me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one to say that (the whole year has been but I don't want to get into all that). RLtG was my escape from that stress, whenever life started to seem like it was getting too much for me, I would turn on my Spotify playlist for this book and listen to that while figuring out what comes next for my characters (in other words I listened to this playlist 24/7 basically).

I focused my mental energy on brainstorming about the world of RLtG rather than stressing about everything that was going on in this world.

Took me who knows how long to figure out that focusing on something productive rather than dwelling on my negative emotions is actually a pretty good idea. Because eventually I get immersed, and then the emotions fade. But that thing that I created? That lasts.

And that's how I feel about RLtG and winning NaNo this month. It started out as an escape from stress, something else to focus my time and energy on, but as the month cycles to a close I have 50k words that I wrote in a month and I am ridiculously proud of that fact. I am making remarkable progress on my novel, it's currently sitting at 89k. And feel inspired enough to pick up two other projects that I need to work on.

Now that NaNo has been officially beaten and I even got my 30 day badge which I never accomplished before, I'm slowing down my progress on RLtG just for now, while I work to figure out what comes next. I can't wait to get to book 2, I really can't but there is still a ton of stuff that has to happen in RLtG yet and I don't know half of it.

In the meantime, I'm picking back up Of Gold and Iron's sequel Of Stars and Shadows which is basically entirely brainstormed and just waiting to be written up. I'm also finally finally going to start working on edits for A Season of Subterfuge, Courtiers, and War Councils because like... it's about time.

I have Conquered NaNoWriMo and now I am looking toward Slaying the December Dragon

(images via Pinterest)

Soldier, Savior, or Sacrifice?

(images via Pinterest)

There were rules for a reason...

(images via Pinterest)

Who has time to save the world today?

Augh, my WIPs all look so freaking cool together. I've considered making a collage of these three books together just because I like how their aesthetics compliment each other while also show how different they are, but I don't know if that would be weird? XD

(also totally not RLtG's official tagline, but I had a good chuckle at it)

How did November treat you all? What are your December reading/writing plans? Should I make that super awesome three way collage? Comment Below!


  1. Congratulations on winning NaNo!!!!
    Your upcoming goals sound SUPER epic, and I wish you the best of luck on all of them!! :D

    1. Thank you!

      And thanks! I'm really excited to get back into these stories :D

  2. Congrats!!!

    Also, I'm excited about the Bard in RLtG. Because BARD.

    1. Thanks!!!!

      Ahhh yes Eirik, he's the absolute best. I've been wanting to write a bard character for so long because as you said BARD

  3. Congrats on winning! Love the playlist.
    So excited for Of Stars and Shadows!!!

    1. Thank you! And yessss, I listen to that so much oh my stars.

      Of Stars and Shadows is very exciting, I should do a blog post about it pretty soon, now that I think about it...

  4. THESE BOOOOOOOOKS. I can't wait to hold them in my hands one day. XD
