Thursday, November 19, 2020

Rage Like the Gods and Romance

So NaNo is somewhere close to being almost over. Unfortunately I already lost my sanity. Maybe I sold my soul somewhere in there too but it's possible that was just a coffee induced hallucination.

Currently my NaNoWriMo word count is 35k words which is more or less on track for this time of the year. The word count of RLtG as a whole is a whopping 75k words and I know I said that very deadpan but believe me when I say I am quite excited about that fact.

I promised a post about the love interests in Rage Like the Gods and now I am here to deliver. I intended to write this sooner but then I got sick and when I get sick my brain packs its bags and moves out which definitely messed up a NaNo plan or two. Fortunately I was ahead of schedule at the time of my illness so I didn't suffer tooo much when I only wrote 104 words on Sunday. *coughs but like for real because I have some lingering symptoms*

But anyway, I have waited long enough to introduce you to the love interests of Rage Like the Gods! So without further ado here are the lady and gentlemen who are solely responsible for keeping my disaster characters alive. (and can I just say how much shorter this whole series would be if my MCs just like, listened to these characters? smh, guys)


(image via Pinterest all credit to its original creator)

needs to be protected/ from like everything/ is to soft to be here/ could tear you apart with bear hands but doesn't want to

Vrom is Thyre's true love, a werewolf and member of the pack Thyre becomes a part of after she is bitten. Vrom is sweet and quiet spoken. He isn't very good with words (I feel yah buddy), and because of this, some members of his family consider him the less intelligent brother.

Vrom isn't a fan of the violent and nomadic way of werewolf life, but his loyalty to his family and loved ones outshines any of his own personal qualms. Vrom hates confrontation, and easily grows frustrated when anything he says is taken the wrong way, so he tends to very rarely speak up. Still, if you pay close enough attention to him rather than what his family all thinks of him, you will see a beautiful soul.


(image via Pinterest all credit to its original creator)

Sassa means Queen of Sass/ but seriously Eirik has no idea what he is in for/ pretends to be a noble knight/ has the moral compass of a knave/ will kiss you to get you to shut up

Sassa is the adopted daughter of a powerful man from the house of notability who Eirik meets in his journeys. She was adopted after both her parents died in the service of defending this lord, but in her heart Sassa is a warrior just like her mother before her.

Sassa isn't shy at all and extremely outspoken. She says what is on her mind and expects everyone else to do the same. She abhors deception, and is against banditry and thieves. Still, Sassa is good humored and quite reasonable. However, if her mind is already made up on a matter... good luck convincing her otherwise.


(image via Pinterest all credit to its original creator)
ugh who gave the winter permission to be so cold/ did I ever tell you about the time that I.../ have I mentioned yet how I.../ you know my opinion on.../ gross the vampire hunters who hired me actually expect me to go up against a vampire/ disgusting/ disheartening/ would not recommend my experience

Hakon is a... well he is an interesting individual. He is a mercenary who Dagmy hires to help her in her quest to regain her honor. A master in magic who dropped out of the academy of Magickers because it was too boring, Hakon isn't like most mercenaries. He is less in it for the money and more for the sheer thrill and adventure of it all. His favorite hobbies include talking about every inane thing under the sun, boasting about his magical prowess, and complaining about any inconvenience no matter how minor. He especially hates the cold which is unfortunate to say the least, given where he lives.

Still, Hakon isn't big on backstabbing or going back on his word, and once his loyalty is bought it cannot be sold again. He loves animals especially his giant pup Garth. And also he is actually really good with magic so maybe he deserves to boast just a tad.


(image via Pinterest all credit to its original creator)
not to brag but/ okay I will brag/ I have memorized six tomes on magical shielding/ now if a magical shield would actually work on me/ not to be too stubborn to admit needing help but I have everything perfectly under control

Fell is Meruna's fellow student. Fell and Eirik actually have quite a bit in common. Both are from mixed families (Eirik's mum was an elf and dad was a Lowlander, Fell's mom was a Lowlander and his father a Highlander) both come from backgrounds in farming, and both are determined to make their way through life and rise above their positions. But that's where the similarities end. Eirik believes that his place in the world is through his musical skills and good humor with some petty thievery thrown in to overcome the most difficult obstacles. Fell wants to be a Magicker.

Being half Highlander, magic doesn't come easily for Fell. He does have a higher resistance to most spells, but not a lot of natural magic at his disposal. Still Fell is stubborn and wickedly intelligent and once he sets his mind on any goal he will not stop until either he accomplishes it or dies trying. Fell is level headed and thinks well under pressure, he is hard working and never gives up despite the odds. Which could actually be counted as a less stellar quality when he won't give up on a goal that is very probably impossible. Fell will never forget a grudge, but is generally very slow to anger.


(image via Pinterest all credit to its original creator)
ugh shut up please you are giving me a headache/ wait are you shivering?/ good thing I brought enough blankets to keep a small army warm/ here's some hot chocolate too/ idiot

Magnar is a magicker and a werewolf and honestly do I need to say more??? Okay I shall. Magnar did not choose to become a werewolf, in fact if he had been given a choice he would have politely turned down the offer. Fresh out of the Academy, young Magnar was mauled by a werewolf and left for dead, only to be taken in by Vrom who soon becomes his best friend. Grumpy and aloof to most, if you get to know Magnar you will find that he only pretends not to care and if you dig a little deeper past his layers of sarcasm and intellectual snobbery you will discover that actually he is a huge mom friend.

Magnar isn't a committed member of the pack, he only stays for Vrom, and still hasn't given up on finding a cure. Still, since the werewolf blessing is primarily distributed to Highlanders, his magic is a unique skillset that makes him a valuable member of his pack. And Azern's fiercest opponent as she tries to earn a way into the pack and the blessing of lycanthropy.

And there you have the love interests from RLtG... well most of them. Book two introduces the one that I would personally like to marry XD Does anyone from this list stand out to you specifically? How is NaNo going for you guys? Comment below and don't forget to ask any questions about RLtG that you will want me to answer in my next post!


  1. Ahhhh I love all these boys xD And Sassa.

    This whole post is just...wonderful ;)

  2. Werewolves, I've been complaining that no one has written a good book with them in it, so I'm especially excited for this one.
    Vrom sounds like the soft boi I need in my life!

    1. Well here is hoping that RLtG will fill that werewolf filled hole in your life XD it isn't like any other werewolf story I have read, not that I have read a whole lot but still XD

      Vrom is the softest boi, he's a adorable and I'm loving writing about him

  3. Hearing/reading about all these characters brings me such JOY. I adore them and I feel like there is always something new to learn about them. XD

    1. Ahh, I feel exactly the same way about them XD I love them so much and then I keep finding out new things about them and it just makes everything that much better
