*My sincerest apologies to all of the characters in my Winter Cursed series
Anyway onto my monthly wrap up, because I'm sure you've been so curious to learn what I've been up to.
Not much going on there except that it's been busy. I've been working like crazy this month. Dear Kohl's, if you could stop scheduling me for five days a week that would be great because I'm only working part time. Thanks. I also got sick. That sucked. Especially since I had to work, so I've pretty much been a zombie this past week.
I've been on a kinda sorta internet break which isn't a full hiatus, but I had hoped that it would help give me time to prepare for Camp NaNo, and it's been successful to a degree so I've decided to continue my break into April. So if you don't see me around Goodreads as much or it takes me forever to reply to comments made on this blog, that's the reason why.
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The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black 4.5 stars Vampires//Gavriel//Darkly Beautiful |
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These Rebel Waves by Sara Raasch 1 star DNF//Pirates//Wish I Could Have Liked It |
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The Traitor's Game by Jennifer A. Nielsen 5 stars! Stabby//KESTRA DALLISOR//Traitors |
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The Deceiver's Heart by Jennifer A. Nielsen 5 stars! Dark Magic//SIMON HATCH//cliffhanger |
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Black Blood by S.D. Grimm 3.5 stars Finale//Prophecy//Destiny Made a Mistake |
Screen Time
I'm gonna add a new section to these update about the movies/TV shows that I've watched over the month. Now bear in mind that this isn't everything that I've watched this month, just the ones that I remember having watched. Also known as the ones that left an impression.
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Ella Enchanted |
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Oz the Great and Powerful |
Also a rewatch. I was stunned by how many of the actors I knew from other movies and now the plot is pretty much: Harry Osborn runs off with Charity Barnum and with the help of Chicken Little also known as Minion, they take down Evie O'Connell. So yeah, that was slightly weird. But a thousand and one points to a pretty solid origin story and also that music is A+. Danny Elfman is the best.
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Matrix |
So, yeah, I watched Matrix for the first time. Consider my mind blown. Oh my word, I loved it so much!!! The concept was boggling, the action was epic, and the characters didn't suffer for it. Bear in mind that I did watch this through Clearplay so I didn't watch the version with all of the language. All the same, I loved it.
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The Justice League TV series- Season Two |
Also, you would be mistaken if you didn't think that the primary reason I am watching this is to not see my darling WonderBat ship sail.
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Doctor Who- Season Two |
Another rewatch, going back through the Doctor Who episodes. We started at Eccleston and are now to David Tennant's first season. Loving my dynamic duo, Rose Tyler and the Doctor! When I first watched Doctor Who, I loved Rose, but now watching it again, I love her even more. She's my favorite companion for this Doctor, by far. And you'd better believe that I'm gonna cry at the end of this season. I probably won't be whole again until Amy and Rory come onto the scene.
Officially started two new projects, unofficially started one. And I'm considering putting down at least two of those projects. I don't know. I have a bit of writer's block and when I have writer's block I tend to start and drop a lot of projects. I did get some writing done though in all of that stopping and starting so that's good! I also edited some Time of Trepidation. Hopefully next month I'll have more to update since it is Camp NaNo, I've decided to work on A Matter of Curiosity.
And finally, as an extremely late celebration of my starting my blog I am doing a Q&A!
This is your chance to find out everything there is to know about me (except for the stuff I won't share). Just leave a comment on this blog post with your questions and I'll get around to answering them next week!
Whelp that's all for now. Next month I'm probably going to dedicate this blog to Amar and Amar themed things. What with Camp NaNo and all that. You have been warned.
Are you planning on doing Camp NaNo next month? Who is your favorite of the Doctor's companion(s)? Have you seen Matrix before? Do you ship Wonderbat? Do you have any questions for me? Comment below!
ROSE TYLER!!!!!!!!!!! Ack, I love her. And yes, I think 9 is my favorite Doctor. Forget the fact that I've only seen like three episodes with Tennant plus some YouTube clips for the others. Eccleston is the king.
ReplyDeleteYou already know all about my Camp NaNo plans...lol. So I won't rehash those here. All I'll say is YOU GOT THIS! AND I GOT THIS! WE BOTH GOT THIS!
I have not seen Matrix before BUT I WANT TO. It sounds so mind-bendy and awesome. I have to convince my parents to let me watch Inception first, though. *sighs*
Also, I came up with another couple of questions for you!
-What is your favorite Tales of Goldstone Wood book?
-What is the weirdest dream you've EVER had? (Because now you've got me wondering...xD)
-If you could visit one and only one storyworld, which would it be and why?
ROSE TYLER IS DAH BEST!!!! I didn't realize how kind and good she was my first time watching it and now I'm just like, she is a good human bean. 9 is fantastic (get what I did there?) he's my third favorite Doctor. First is 11, then 10, then 9. You need to watch more. Seriously girl, you need to get to River Song (who is maybe my favorite Doctor Who character ever, even over the Doctor and Rose and Amy and Rory)!!! My dad and I agree that her relationship with a certain someone- who I can't say because... spoilers (hopefully someday you will see what I did there)- is the best on-screen romance of all time (not that I ship it more than any other of my on-screen ships, but this is perfection in the way that it was done)
DeleteYess, your NaNo plans and mine are both gonna be epic and we're totally going to get them done. *looks around to make sure that no lie detectors are going off*
Girl, I think you would love it (I think it is rated R though? I found that out after having watched it and was so shocked because like I said, I watched the clean version, seriously Clearplay is the best) but content aside the storytelling is phenomenal and MY MIND WAS BENT! I haven't seen Inception yet but after having looked it up, it looks really good.
Oof, these questions. Okay, but just know that you asked for the dream one. Have I got a dream for you ;P
HAHA, YES, ANOTHER MATRIX FAN!!!!!! That movie . . . *sighs* SO GOOD. I'm due for a rewatch . . . who's your favorite character? I like Neo. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd HECK YES TO SIMON HATCH. THE KID IS TOO GOOD FOR THAT WORLD. (except I’ve only read book 1, so if he does something bad in book 2 I don’t know about it. XD)
(And I think I asked you questions on a different post? Oops. Oh well.) Great post!
YESSSS MATRIX IT'S THE BEST!!!!! My dad absolutely loves it he had figures of Trinity and Neo and Agent Smith and so I grew up knowing that these characters existed but it didn't exist at all the way I thought it would. Now we can obsess over it together. I wanna rewatch it and I literally just saw it Sunday. NEO IS MY BABY AND THERE IS NOTHING MORE TO BE SAID THERE.
DeleteSIMON HATCH, THIS IS THE CHARACTER PROTECTION PROGRAM WE ARE MOVING YOU TO A SAFER PLACE. (don't worry, Simon was good in the first book in the next one he was perfection)
No problem! I already have them in my doc for answering the questions ;P
I LOVE YOUR NEW BLOG'S THEME!! Personally I like it better than the old one... :DD Yeah. Anyway, here are my questions!
ReplyDelete- What is your favorite fairytale (because I literally ask this to... every blogger who has a Q&A session)?
- What is one place, anywhere in the world outside your home country, that you would love to visit?
- What's your favorite foreign food (Italian, Russian, Korean, etc.)?
- What's your favorite (specific shade) color?
And... that's all I can think of. ;)
THANKS!!!! Yeah, I think I do too ;D
DeleteAwesome questions!
I love Oz the Great and Powerful in all its cheesy glory. 😂
ReplyDeleteTwo words: SIMON. HATCH.
Oh, and two questions for the Q&A!
- What are some popular fandoms you don't understand/are terrified of?
- What would you give as an acrostic name poem for your favorite fictional character?
Dude, same. Plus that music score? *shivers*