Sunday, March 13, 2022

The March Muchness Blog Tag


Hello, guys, I'm doing a tag today hosted by the lovely Christine Smith as well as a whole host of other individuals whom you should all check out (they're listed in the image above). This tag is Alice in Wonderland themed which is of course a theme I couldn't turn down since I'm currently working on publishing my Alice Through the Looking Glass inspired tale later this spring.

So, without any further introduction, let's dive straight into the questions, shall we?
  • List six impossible things you’d love to do – wild and crazy answers 100% welcome!
1- I'd tame a dragon

2- I'd learn how to turn invisible and maybe lift things with my mind, that could be handy...

3- I would finish all of my projects on time

4- I would turn my books into TV shows that remain true to the story and don't add unnecessary content

5- I'd sleep 8 hours a night and actually wake up feeling refreshed

6- I would be able to heal from any bump, bruise, or other injury immediately with no coalescence

  • What is a topic that grew curiouser and curiouser the more you studied/researched it?
Um... serial killers and I became less curioser and curioser the more I studied it.
  • If you could invite three fictional characters to a tea party, who would they be? 
Alistair Therin from the video game Dragon Age, mostly because I want to marry him, and a tea party seems like a good place to propose...
I mean just LOOK at him, he's perfection
(Image from Pinterest)

Anakin Skywalker, he is certainly not my favorite Star Wars character, but he is the one I would have the most to say to. I would tell him the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise so he doesn't have to hear it first from Palpatine, warn him about said Sith Lord, and basically tell him that the reason he sees Padame dying is becuase he joins the dark side so if he can just avoid that he could save everyone a whole lot of pain

Probably Anakin's reaction if I said that...
(Image via Pinterest)

Jebediah Holt from the Splintered series by A.G. Howard. Now please, don't misunderstand me, I HATE Jebediah Holt with every fiber of essence within me. He is without a doubt the most DESPICABLE fictional character I have ever had the misfortune of experiencing. The only reason I would invite him to my tea party is so that I can poison his tea.

Me to the cops afterwards
(Image via Pinterest)
  • Which Wonderland character do you feel you’re the most like?
The mad hatter probably, I have a thing for hats, not making them, but I do enjoy wearing them.
  • If you could drink a magic potion that changed one thing about you, what would it be?
Is there a potion that can cure me of procrastination possibly? Is there enough magic in the world able to do that—nah, probably not.
  • How IS a raven like a writing desk?
Because they can both produce a note although it is rather flat.
  • If you were to make an enemy of Father Time, what time in the day would you choose to repeat?
The evening from nine through eleven. It is when I am most productive and think of all that I might accomplish...
  • If you fell down a rabbit hole, what would the land you pop into look like?
Probably Ruskhazar, let's be honest, I live and breathe that place. If Wonderland is based at all off of what is in your imagination, then mine would look a lot like Ruskhazar.



  • If you could have the body of one type of creature and the head of another (for example, the Mock Turtle has the body of a turtle and the head of a calf), what would that combination be and why?
The head of a unicorn and the body of a dragon. Idk why, I think I would look cool I suppose.
  • Have you read or written anything stylistically close to Alice in Wonderland? Tell us about it.
I wrote this:

It's not quite a straight up Alice in Wonderland retelling, simply inspired by it. About a girl who travels to another world, but not to Wonderland, rather to Amar and then from Amar the world of the faeries. Along the way, she meets strange and zany figures (some more based off of Caroll's characters than others), must find a way to get home, and grapple with what is reality or not.

  • If you could either be as tall as a tree or as small as a mouse for an hour, which would you choose and what would you do?
Small as a mouse, being as tall as a tree would draw too much attention to me. If I could only be that size for an hour? Well, I suppose I would find someplace small and secluded and take a nap where no one could disturb me.
  • If you could give your younger or future self one piece of Very Good Advice, what would it be?
I would go to my younger self and tell her to stop being an idiot and that just becuase she isn't immediately good at something doesn't mean that she can't learn to do it. A talent isn't a magical gift, it's something that must be worked at. And then I would tell her to pick up a pen and start drawing because she can do anything she puts her mind to, even drawing. So can that "man I wish I could draw" crap and get to work.


  1. Aaaahhh yay! You did the tag!!! This was so much fun to read!

    Your six impossible things are brilliant and and and YES. I very much would like to have all these things as well please and thank you.

    Your reasoning for your choices of characters at the tea party are hilarious. XD I had never thought of inviting me ENEMIES so I could have a few Choice Words with them. I love it.


    I adore your advice to your younger self as it's honestly something I struggle with as well, so thank you for this great reminder to stop saying "I can't" and just DO THE THING. Yes, yes, yes! I love that!

    Thank you so much for joining in! This was great! :D

    1. I'm glad that you enjoyed reading it!

      I wish they were six possible things, because I desperately need all of them.

      It would certainly be a very interesting tea party that's for sure. Yes, there are many Choice Words that must be said. My choice word is "poison" lol.


      My younger self needed that advice delivered with a smack upside the head, but yes it's a good thing to always be remembering because it's awfully easy to forget.

      Thanks so much for being part of hosting this! It was very fun to do :P
