Sunday, August 29, 2021

Writing Update and Official Synopsis

So, it's been a good long while since I've done a proper writing update. Most of the summer to be exact. So what have I been up to this summer? Well, I'm glad you asked.

I finished writing A Winter Dark and Deadly in June, and have spent the last month editing it. It is now on its final editing stage and I hope to publish it in the next two to three weeks (I say this with some measure of disbelief because I find the idea of being done with AWDAD very difficult to comprehend indeed)

I wrote the first draft of Of Stars and Shadows for Camp NaNo in July, I plan on picking that back up to edit it in September. I'm shooting for an October/November release.

I've been participating in Go-Teen-Writers 100-for-100 challenge. I'm pretty sure that is going to be wrapping up pretty soon, but over the past 90-something days I've written over 70k in Rage Like the Gods. And folks I did it, RLtG is now 200,000 words long. Don't ask me how much longer it is going to get because I have no idea. I'm going to try to wrap it up in September however.

The world of Ruskhazar is really coming along and becoming more developed as I work on more stories in it, but more on that next week.

I also started working on A Tale of Gods and Glory. It's currently 20,000 words long. It also has a synopsis now. Technically this synopsis has been out for a couple of weeks (since I announced it) but I thought I would actually make it official and put it in a blog post for your reading pleasures:

“Very well. I will tell you the story of Lord Taliz, but I need to warn you, it isn’t what you are expecting. And it isn’t the tale you have been told.”


“I wouldn’t be here if I believed the tale I had been told.”


The name of Lord Taliz the Champion of Coldhaven is one that almost everyone in Rhuskhazar has heard... but the story? Well, the story is less well known. Now I don’t mean the tale that is sung in every tavern across Ruskhazar. I'm talking about what really happened.

Lord Taliz and his sister Sofarynn are exiles seeking a new home in the mountainous peninsula of Ruskhazar. What they find instead is a world where monsters and magic exist outside of bard’s songs. While looking for work, Taliz instead is recruited by a reclusive group of individuals only to realize too late that they are werewolves. Now a member of the pack with powerful abilities he doesn’t understand, Taliz must learn to balance between who he once was and who—or what—he has become.

Taliz is not the hero you believe him to be, oh he did the things the bards claim. He charmed monsters, rose in status, saved Coldhaven, and then burned it all to the ground. But he was just an ordinary man, like you and me. In fact, if there was anything extraordinary about him it would be his luck. He never once experienced the good kind.

As the years pass, Taliz works to prove himself to his pack and perhaps in the process woo a beautiful but aloof werewolf named Ylfa. Sofarynn turns her attention to unlocking the mysteries of magic, a force that exists only in Ruskhazar. Except where Taliz goes trouble always follows. The siblings soon find themselves defending their new home from werewolf killers, bounty hunters sent to bring them back to their desert homeland to face charges, and a cult that worships a tiny statue. However, there is something buried under Coldhaven far more dangerous than anything they have ever faced, and it just came back from the dead.


So how did an ordinary man—a foreigner no less—come to be revered as the champion of the very city he destroyed? Well, I suppose if you trust the bard's accounts it’s because there was a worse fate than the fire, but if you ask me... the bards got it all wrong

So there you have it, that's what I've been up to these past three months. What about you? What have you been doing this summer? Comment below!

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