Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Shared WIP Tag Week Two: Worldbuilding

My apologies, I realize that this is a day late, I was working on finishing SoS and well basically the real world faded into the background. But I'm back. SoS is done *takes a moment to scream shrilly* and now it is time to actually focus on MoC, and like, actually write it? XD

So anyway I come to you again with the slightly late regularly scheduled shared WIP tag. This week the topic is world building and so I will be discussing my world of Amar. This is actually my second series taking place in this world, this series focuses more on the wild and madly beautiful aspects of this world.


-What aspect of this world would make you want to leave immediately?

Amar can be very... unpredictable. Filled with dangerous creatures and volatile magics it's a good place to go to die. So definitely the whole element of danger would make me want to leave before I was maimed or killed. Not that such a thing ever happens to any of my characters... *chuckles nervously*

-If you lived in this world, what would be your job/working environment?

Hmm, this is an interesting question. I think that my job would actually to be a story teller, I would travel a lot across the lands and deal in tall tales and wonder rather than actual currency. Which means that I would probably not be exactly wealthy, but it would be an adventurous lifestyle.

-What would you most likely be wearing if you were dropped into this world?

An interesting question considering that essentially all of my characters are dropped into this world XD Seeing as this is a portal fantasy, in order to get to Amar I probably would have been pulled from Earth so I would be wearing whatever I was wearing before, probably my usual. Jeans. Plaid of some sort, and layers. And then I would get odd looks from everyone in Amar.

-What aspects stands out to you as different from our world? What is very similar to ours?

Amar is essentially a medieval world, but they are more developed than most of Europe was during the dark ages. Essentially I would say that the main differences between our worlds is that Amar is lacking the technologies and discoveries of our world and we are missing the magic and lore of Amar.

-Which part of your world would you most enjoy visiting?

"Everything about Amar is vibrant and beautiful and just more than Earth.
More alluring.
More beautiful.
More dangerous."

Amar is just as beautiful as it is dangerous and I think I would love to visit it just for the raw power and majesty of the land, to see the sights, gaze at the stars, visit the castles.

-Which part of your world would you avoid at all costs?

Definitely the part of the world where this book takes place. The enchanted forest bordering Einlore, possibly the most dangerous and volatile area in all of Amar filled with creatures no longer found in other portions of the land. More specifically I would very much like to avoid the faerie circus found at the heart of this forest because those guys aren't nice.

-Would you enjoy the types of food or common dishes eaten in your world?

Probably, maybe less on the porridges and stew, but the other main dishes are meats and fruits. Of course the amount of bread consumed by the people of Amar is just appalling to my low-carb diet.

-What does the culture of this world revolve around and would you enjoy participating in it?

Amar is very much a segregated land, the countries don't have very much to do with each other at all. So the lands all have different cultures and features. But I would say that one thing that they all have in common is they know how to celebrate.
Balls and feasts are a common way to spend the evening pleasantly. And yes I wouldn't mind participating in a ball or dance as long as I'm not being sent as a werewolf's sacrifice.

-What’s your favorite thing about the story world?

Definitely the magic and mythos. All of the creatures and magical abilities and how they are classified as well as the rich history that I put maybe just a tad too much thought on XD

-Provide a few pictures that help depict your story world.

(all pictures via Pinterest)


  1. Agggghhhhh this post is so good!!!!! See, I didn't know any of this xD So much interesting stuff...

  2. I love that it's equal parts beautiful and dangerous!

  3. This world sounds sooooo cool! I love how dangerous and dark it sounds!!
