Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Language of Worlds- Chelsea//Hiatus Announcement

Hey guys, remember in my post last week? And I promised to try to keep a regular blogging schedule in October, and also that I would announce a new project? I lied. Yeah, apparently I was mistaken XD Turns out what I'm actually doing is going on a hiatus. But I want to actually really and truly try to finish the first draft of A Season of Subterfuge, Courtiers, and War Councils this month before NaNo starts. If we are being realistic here that is like another 100k I have to write, maybe just 90k but still waaaay too much. Which is why I am going on a hiatus including from blogging to focus on that.

However, I did want to squeeze in one more blog post to let you all know what is going on and also to take part in this Language of Worlds hosted by the lovely Liv because she asks amazing questions XD

I decided to talk about my MC from SoS Chelsea Welling considering that I will be spending all month with her.

(all pictures via Pinterest credit to their original creators)

1. Your character is in crisis! Who is the first person they turn to?

Easton for sure. Every time. Honestly I don't know what Chelsea would do without Easton. Oh yeah, that's right. Have a nervous breakdown.

2. Who has their unconditional loyalty?

Chelsea's family. Her mom, dad, and twin brother Clint. But also her two best friends Bobby and Easton. They could do literally anything and Chelsea would let them. And she would certainly kill for them he-he he-he...

3. What cause do they believe in? Why?

Well the earlier question sort of hints at this, but Chelsea is an extremely loyal soul. She would do anything for those she loves. I don't know if she has any cause beyond that of trying to obtain her safety and happiness for her loved ones.

4. Are they easy to get along with?

Actually, yes, very much so. Chelsea is rather quiet and easily adapts to the energy of those around her, even strangers.
5. Are they a night owl or morning dove? (Or “weird daytime pigeon”?)

Probably a weird daytime pigeon XD She has been known to stay up late or to wake up early, but only because of circumstances.
6. What do they consider most vital to their health? Are they right?

Probably rest, getting enough sleep, taking it easy when injured. I mean, yeah XD It's a good idea in theory. Chelsea is really good at having good ideas that she can never follow through with.

7. What was their childhood fear?

Oh the usual, monsters under the bed. In the closet, lurking in the darkness ready to strike.

8. What do they have nightmares about?

In Week of Werewolves, as I'm sure you can all imagine from the title, but Chelsea had a little run-in with a werewolf. And she still has nightmares about that.

9. What sights/sounds/smells remind them of home?

Being with Clint, Bobby, and Easton all of them just goofing off and pretending that they don't have cares— that is the number one thing that reminds Chelsea of home. But the items that Chelsea packed in her backpack also remind her of home, especially the smell of the shampoos and soaps that she brought.
10. What do they love most about themself?

At one point in time Chelsea would have said her optimism and how she always manages to see the best in the situation but um... she isn't entirely optimistic anymore so I think she would probably say her resilience. She's surprised that she is still standing and honestly I am too.

Well that's all for today. See you in November!


  1. ACK this post *heart eyes* You know all about how I feel about Chelsea at this point, I'm sure, but this is just a reminder that I LOVE HER. Also I'm cackling so hard about some of this because MWAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA oh Chelsea you got no clue what's coming for you my girl.

    Love this post!(#ChelstonForeverLetItSail)

  2. I love Chelsea already! She sounds awesome.

  3. THE AESTHETICS *flails*

    Your Amar posts are my favorite! Chelsea is wonderful and I love her (despite her MANY flaws and mistakes and misunderstandings of her own emotions *COUGH*), and she doesn't deserve all the bad things you do to her.
