Friday, October 4, 2019

Rose's Wrath Cover Reveal

I don't usually do cover reveals here, but boy are you in for a treat today because I am participating in the reveal of my friend Oceane McAllister's debut novel Rose's Wrath.

First, the synopsis:

"Have you ever heard Red Riding Hood howl at the moon?"

When Cerise, Verre, Blanca, and Aura are forced to complete a near-impossible task, it seems as if their loved ones’ lives are as good as over.

"Or seen Cinderella kill a man with just a shard of glass?"

And despite meeting a dragon, internal disputes, and the fact that they’re all most likely going to die, the young women grow close. Too close.

"Snow White has vanquished more with her poisoned breath than her beauty."

For secrets will come to light that have the power to change everything. There is a traitor in their midst, one who could potentially save or destroy them.

"And Sleeping Beauty? She will bring slumber with but a touch of her hand."

And now onto the cover. Boy do you guys need to see this cover because just... ahh!!! I'm in love.











What did you think I wasn't going to make you work for it just a little bit?









Did you notice the one that was only two dots?






























Isn't it just GLORIOUS??? Agh, I'm just in love with it, and I can't wait till the book comes out too. Fortunately we won't have to wait too long. The release date is scheduled for December 1st, 2019. Just in time for Christmas.

Until then be sure to stalk Oceane to make sure that you don't miss any details about this book's release.

What do you think of the cover? Doesn't that premise sound intriguing? Should I do more cover reveals? Comment below!


  1. HOLY COW THAT COVER IS INCREDIBLE!!!!! <3 <3 I MUST read this book when it comes out!

  2. Thank you so much, Nicki! I'm sooo glad you love the cover too!

  3. Oh my word how gorgeous *heart eyes*

  4. That blurb has me HOOKED. O_O And the cover!!! Suddenly I am in desperate need of this book.

  5. Stunning, sounds like an amazing story too!
