Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Jolly Genre Jubilee Tag


(image from Pinterest, I take no credit for it)

Okay so I've been tagged by the marvelous Christine to do the Jolly Genre Jubilee tag. The above image has probably already given away what genre I'll spend the majority of my time talking about, but anyway let's get on to the tag. I'll try not to be too predictable, but by now you guys have probably figured out that I'm obsessed with fantasy.

  • Thank the blogger who tagged you, and leave a link back to their blog (eyyyy thanks Christine!)
  • Leave a link back to the creator of the tag (Here’s the ORIGINAL POST.)
  • Answer the questions honestly, and include at least one (1) gif of a pelican >> it’s in the rules, folks. you have to do it.
  • Tag 3+ friends to do the tag on their own blogs! >> and make sure to give them cookies. because that’s always fun
What is your favorite genre of fiction to write?

Ahem... I mean, yeah, I tend to lean toward the fantasy genre.

What genre would you NEVER get caught writing? . . .EVER.
Non-fiction, but also just flat out contemporary, romance, and historical. If I can't add a dragon and am required to do research with no leeway to just make up whole ways that the world works then I am not interested. I will however be highly interested in writing alt-history, fantasy romance, and contemporary fantasy books. I'm the type of gal who needs a little bit of magic in every book. And if not magic then something else equally cool like super powers.

What fictional genre feels most like home to you?
Again, fantasy.

If you could transform your real life into any genre of your choosing, which would it be?
And for this one it is... fantasy (I'm beginning to sound like a broken record). I think dragons are exactly what this world needs to spice things up a bit.

What genre does your real life most resemble at the moment?
Apocalyptic... with a side of just regular old contemporary for the slow days.

What’s a genre you’re interested in writing, even though you’ve never written it before?
Sci-Fi and zombies (although RLtG has a bunch of necromancers and undead so does that count?). I have a Sci-Fi project that I have started on numerous occasions, but never made it very far in. I love the characters and the world though and someday I'll finally get around to focusing on it. Until then, enjoy it's very aesthetic Pinterest Board...

I actually have ideas for paranormal horror, western zombies, dystopian regency horror with zombies and aliens, dystopian, super heroes... and a whole host of other ideas that don't quite fit in the fantasy genre that I'll probably publish under a pen name but that's quite the long way off... for now my fantasy ideas keep me quite busy.

What genre is your most recent plot bunny, and where did it come from?
So, my most recent plot bunny is for a, well, a fantasy story (is that a big surprise to anyone?). But also with a far heavier focus on the romance than some of my other books (not that my other books don't focus on the romance but, yeah these will definitely be kissing books). It is for a series of standalones about these uppity elves who are all in the same class at a magic school. Each member of this class gets a book about them where they have their own stories told, with a heavy focus on some of my favorite romantic tropes (friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, arranged marriages, fake relationships, academic rivals... etc) because why not? I can't really say where the original idea came from, but it probably originated from all the amazing books I've seen around and even read which are in a series but every individual book is about a different character finally getting their story told and their own happily ever afters.

How many genres have you written thus far in your writing journey?
Let's see... I've written:
Portal Fantasy,
Romantic Fantasy,
Fairy-Tale Retellings,
High Fantasy
Epic Fantasy
Dark Fantasy
YA Fantasy
(are you sensing a theme yet?)

I like me some fantasy. And I mean, how could I not? It's just so flipping aesthetic. And literally ANYTHING can happen in it. Time travel? Absolutely. Zombies, monsters, horror, scary stuff? I think some of the scariest monsters I've seen are fantasy monsters. And don't even get me started on all the possible setting choices! Not to mention the staples of fantasy like elves, dragons, and magic...

Gif Via Pinterest

I hope you see what I mean *heart eyes*

.... what a strange creature

All right and finally I tag Grace, Jes, and Skye. Hurry up and grab your cookies before the pelican gets them!
(image from Pinterest, looks yummy tho, am I right?)


  1. FANTASY FTW!!!! Seriously, how can you not love a genre that has DRAGONS?? And also have literally anything and EVERYTHING else? The infiniteness of fantasy is such a wondrous thing, and I will never tire of it. I'm right there with you!

    You summed up my feelings on other genres to perfection: "If I can't add a dragon and am required to do research with no leeway to just make up whole ways that the world works then I am not interested." YEPPP. That is exactly me! XD

    Okay but your dystopian regency horror with zombies and aliens idea has me SO intrigued. YOU COME UP WITH THE COOLEST CONCEPTS.

    This was a delight to read all around. I'm so glad you did the tag! :D

    1. Fantasy is literally the best genre and there is nothing that can change my mind. As you so eloquently put it, it's all about the dragons XD

      Yup, all of my books must have a cushion room for me to just make things up or else I will not be a happy camper.

      Aww, thank you! I've had that idea since I was sixteen slowly yet surely piecing it together. I'm quite fond of that idea, it's definitely one that I'll someday write.

      I'm glad you enjoyed it! And thanks for tagging me :)

  2. Thanks for tagging me Nicki! YES, fantasy rocks! I could only see you giving this the answer for most of the questions. XD And Yum! Cookies!

    1. You're welcome! Indeed, I am quite predictable when it comes to my favorite genre XD Those cookies looks so good, I wish you could eat pictures.
