Sunday, November 14, 2021

Of Stars and Shadows Release Party

So, I did a thing.

I published Of Stars and Shadows last Friday. It was supposed to be a weekend venture, but I just sort of decided that I wanted to get it done. So somehow, I did. And I'm not entirely sure how I added all of my editor's copyedits (there had to have been at least 400), formatted, and published my book without even a drop of caffeine, but I'm certain that when time comes to pay up for those dark bargains I made, I'll probably be sorry...

But in the meantime, LET'S CELEBRATE!!!

(from Pinterest)

Honestly, I can't believe that I actually kept to my entire crazy publishing schedule this year. I honestly didn't think I would and yet here we are.

Published Between Gods and Demigods in the spring? Check. Publish A Winter Dark and Deadly before the end of summer? I got it in on the last day of August but that still counts! Publish Of Stars and Shadows this fall...


Honestly, this is just so huge for me, because the most books I've ever managed to publish in a year is two, and that was only one year. For the past several years it has been one book a year. And now I'm celebrating my third release in 2021!!!!

(from Pinterest)

This is a really good sign for me, I have proven to myself that I can focus on a project and get it done in the time I choose (it also means that I've gotten better at estimating how long a project is going to take me). I've also proven that I can publish more than one or two books a year. Next year, I have a slightly crazier publishing plan than I did even this year, but because of how well I have done so far, I'm actually confident that I can accomplish it. (okay, maybe just 85% confident but those are still good odds)

But enough of that! Let's talk about the book that actually got published!

The Of Dreams and Nightmares Trilogy book two Of Stars and Shadows.
It's a sequel so I can't say too much. If you haven't read book one Of Gold and Iron yet, you definitely should. I mean it's a clean faerie romance. What more are you looking for?

So yes, this is book two in a series, it won't make any sense unless you have read book one. OSaS does end on a cliffhanger, and I'm not sorry about it. There will be one final book in the series which I hope to release next year.

It's a romance featuring a couple who can't stand each other. There's lots of snark, sarcasm, and arguing between an ill-tempered human and an arrogant solitary faerie. This story also features a labyrinth that's alive. Faerie court politics. An intricate law that you die if you break. And like at least one kiss.

I’m starting see the way that faeries think. To them life is just one giant chess board, it’s all a game of making moves and waiting to see how your opponent reacts. An ever-evolving scheme where the ends justify the means, and people are just pieces on the board.

This story also includes...

~Irish Folklore

~Hate to love

~Doomed soulmates




~Crafty lies and binding laws

You know how the saying goes. Fool me once, shame on you, but fool me twice…

Well, that’s a shame on me.

This lovely illustration of my two MC's Jaye and Ravven was done by Ireen Chau

“You lied to me,” I grind out.

“It’s what I do, I don’t know why you need to act so surprised.”

My 2021 releases, I definitely had a color scheme going on here. Two sequels and a prequel, and I couldn't be more excited or more proud of the finished products.

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