Sunday, February 27, 2022

A Little About my Next Ruskhazar Projects


Folly of the Gods
(Images Via Pinterest)

Rage Like the Gods 
may be written, A Tale of Gods and Glory may be published, but things are far from finished in Ruskhazar.

I'm currently hard at work drafting two projects set there. One is Rage Like the God's sequel Folly of the Gods which I shall say absolutely nothing about because of spoilers.

But the next project I am so excited to share more about. It's the first book set in a totally different series that takes place in Ruskhazar. I've said before that there are twentyish books set in Ruskhazar. Well this series is fiver of them (four full-length novels and one novella)

The special and exciting thing about this four-book series is that it is set during the same time as my Rage Like the Gods series. With one exception, none other of my twenty-or-so books set in Ruskhazar take place during this timeframe. A Tale of Gods and Glory is set nine years before RLtG. Of my other series, Blood of the Gods book one An Assassin's Guide to Cheating the Gods is set more than twenty years before RLtG and the Ancient Gods series is set for the most part hundreds even a thousand years before RLtG (although it starts off at the same time as RLtG only to have my protagonist go back in time). Blood of the Gods book three A Lady's Guide to Defying the Gods as well as a few other stories are all set after the events in RLtG in what is called the fourth era (RLtG is during the third era). The only other book set during the same time as the events of RLtG is Blood of the Gods book two An Immortal's Guide to Betraying the Gods.

But everything that happens during this four-book series, titled What the Gods Did, takes place at the same time chronologically as everything that happens in the Rage Like the Gods series. It shows a different view of what is going on with different characters. So it has a special sort of connection to my RLtG series.

But I've been too busy writing A Tale of Gods and Glory, publishing Of Stars and Shadows, and finishing Rage Like the Gods that I was unable to truly give this story the attention that it deserves. Now with all of those finally out of the way I'm able to turn to it.

Book one is The Gods Created Monsters.

As I said in the announcement post, it's about four strangers and a cat being conscripted by the king's brother to form an elite monster hunting group. Their task is to stem the tide of the undead and keep the people of Ruskhazar safe until the Gods' Chosen Ones can save everyone. Except if you know anything about Rage Like the Gods you will know that the Gods' Chosen Ones are not even remotely interested in saving the world.

So, it sort of falls on these four individuals to try to do what they can to keep society from crumbling and people from being killed by their ancestors until my RLtG cast can get their heads screwed on straight and their A-Game on. Which is definitely not happening anytime soon because my RLtG characters are a mess. I say this lovingly of course.

And I don't want you to get the wrong impression about my characters from What the Gods Did. They aren't perfect little angles themselves, even if they are crown commissioned warriors, they are far from saints. There's a reason why they are part of this group and it's not because they willingly joined.

IkorA Lower Elf magicker and the esteemed Scholar of Spells at the Acadamy of Magickers, is forced to join when the truth of how he got his position came out and people learned that he has more than a few bodies in his closet. If he joins this group, then he will be restored to his former position once his conscription is up.

Zarynn: Is a clever, witty, and spiteful Higher Elf. Also, he is facing a death sentence for being a sorcerer. If he joins this group, his past crimes will be forgiven, and he can walk free.

Alya: Is a noble lady, the daughter of a wealthy Lowlander family, and betrothed to marry the man who will be the next king. She always dreamed of an adventurous life outside of politics, however she never wanted it at the cost of her family being ruthlessly murdered. She's in this for only one thing, vengeance. If she does this job, then she has been promised a chance at her former fiancé, the otherwise untouchable crown prince who is the one who gave the order to kill her parents.

Conan: Actually... Conan is a saint. A former member of the crown prince's guard, Conan saved Alya's life, only to realize afterwards that it was his employer, the prince, who was the one who tried to have her killed. Now he is looking for a worthy cause to give him a purpose again since apparently his whole life as a guardsman was a lie.

Fluff: Alya's gray tabby. Never underestimate this cat. Doubtless the most ruthless of the lot, there are many mice that have had to be raised without fathers due to this fiend. He is in it because Alya is and also Ikor gives superior chin scratches.

The Gods Created Monsters
(Images Via Pinterest)

As you can see, as opposed to RLtG (where my MCs don't even meet in book one and some end up as each others' nemeses), my characters in this book are actually a team. This is a story of Found Family because dang I love that trope.

But what a chaotic grouping these four and Fluff are, it's a bit like a game of D&D with different alignments and each of the characters having differing moralities that oftentimes clash. Oh yeah, and there's monsters and the slaying of monsters. So hopefully you can see why I'm just so excited to finally be working on this story.

But in case, that hasn't convinced you, I will let on that it also has the trope of The Grumpy One Loves The Sunshine One...

^^^The Grumpy One—aka Alya (Image Via Pinterest)

The Sunshine One—aka Conan (Image Via Pinterest)>>>

Finally, a meme I made that pretty much perfectly represents the relationship these two Ruskhazar series have with each other...

(Original image found on Pinterest)

Monday, February 21, 2022

A Matter of Curiosity Cover Reveal

 I'm posting today instead of Monday because today happens to be 2.22.22 and I couldn't let such a beautifully aesthetic date go to waste so I decided to do a cover reveal today.

I'm sure you guys have been waiting some time for this particular reveal. You've only been waiting—what?—three years, for the sequel to A Certain Sort of Madness. But at long last we have a cover and a (hopeful) release date!

So, let's start scrolling to see them both...










Halfway there...








I know I'm making you scroll a ton, but I promise it's totally worth the suspense

It has been nearly a year since the events that put her mother in a coma. Since her grandfather and Dante were imprisoned in the Unrealm. Since she’s last stepped foot in Amar. Trying to put heartache and broken promises behind her, Alicia attempts for the first time in her existence to actually live a regular life with the help of her cousin Olivia who is determined to forget everything that ever happened in Amar. But as cracks begin appearing everywhere, showing glimpses into the other worlds, Alicia realizes that “normal” has always been helplessly out of her reach.

Marius is fighting to break free from his prison, and reality is tearing at the seams to try to hold him in. The only way to save the four realms is for Alicia to find a way to stop her grandfather once and for all. But how does one defeat an immortal? Alicia offers him a bargain. Play a game against her, winner takes all. The stakes are her future, her mother’s life, and the freedom of the boy she loved—and still possibly might. Only the most powerful mage in all Amar will walk away. But in order to win, Alicia must become like her grandfather and be willing to use her friends as pawns. People have betrayed her, but that’s just an occupational hazard, right? What goes around comes around doesn’t it? Anything is fair game when the fate of everything is involved.

In this twisted world trust, safety, and sanity are all just an illusion. And sometimes reality doesn’t deserve to be saved.

Ahh, I'm so, so exciting with just how magical and ostentatiously 
purple everything is. Also, the cards and the circus tent and just ahhh, everything. This cover was designed by Victoria Cooper who has also did book one's cover, all of my Winter Cursed books' covers, the covers for the Of Dreams and Nightmares Trilogy, and the cover for A Season of Subterfuge, Courtiers, and Warn Councils.

I'm hopefully optimistic that I'll be able to release this book on May 31st, but I cannot release it until after A Season of Subterfuge, Courtiers, and War Councils so it all depends on whether I can publish that one on April 21st like I have planned.

But as it stands, I'm aiming for a release on May 31st

I'm pretty excited. This is my first time wrapping up a series, so I'm certainly more than a little heartbroken to have to say goodbye to these characters once I finish this grand finale. But I'm also excited for the day that Alicia's story will be finally fully out there in the world.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

It's Valentines Day so Let's Talk About OTPs

So, it's Valentine's Day and honestly, I would be wasting an opportunity here if I didn't spend today talking about the ships and romantic pairings in my books.

Now, full disclosure, I'm pretty sure I have every one of my (published) books represented here except for My Time in Amar however I do not (as of yet) have any art done from MTiA, and also there is some contention on who is actually the OTP of MTiA, whether it is Phelsea or Chelston. So instead of tipping my hat and showing which one is the true ship of that book I'm just going to skip that. In a short while A Season of Subterfuge, Courtiers, and War Councils will be published, and you can finally know which is the true pairing. Until then, I shall remain mum on the subject.

Anyway, speaking of Amar, we have our first pairing...

Alicia and Dante from A Certain Sort of Madness

She's a starry-eyed dreamer, a powerful mage, and innocent and naive in the ways of the world.
He's her imaginary friend, a daring huntsman, and a very cynical—not to mention sarcastic—person.

Alice and the Mad Hatter, it was something that was never meant to be. And yet Alicia feels an unwavering loyalty to the boy from her memories. Dante would just settle for them making it out of this unscathed.

Jaye and Ravven from Of Gold and Iron

He's a solitary faerie from the Autumn Court.
She's a Guardian, a sworn enemy of the faeries.
He needs to make her capable of killing his kind.

Enemies to begrudging accomplices to... possibly something more? Only if Jaye can look past her grudges and Ravven his vanity. Oh, and if they can survive all of the lies, half-truths, and binding oaths between them.

Elisabeth and Cedric from Winter Cursed

She needs an ally not a liability.
And the son of her sworn enemy would certainly be a liability.
Especially when he is capable of waking her from a cursed sleep with "true love's kiss".

The princess of snow and a dark prince are not a popular match. And yet somehow the exiled son of her father's vanquished foe is the only person Elisabeth can trust.
Yvette and Luk from A Winter Dark and Deadly

A renegade witch and a loyal guardsman.
He's supposed to be making certain that she doesn't stab anyone in the back.
He just forgot to guard his heart in the process.

Yvette is certainly no typical princess, but Luk is a very typical guardsman. He can't abide the breaking of the law, and yet he cannot seem to shake his infatuation with this girl and her forbidden magic.

Taliz and Ylfa from A Tale of Gods and Glory

They're just partners.
No chemistry to see here.
So, move along.

He's an oblivious politician and she's a reclusive werewolf, it never would have worked out anyway.

Azern and Magnar from Between Gods and Demigods

Sorcery is illegal, but fortunately, Azern has never been one to follow the rules.
Magnar on the other hand...

She's just trying to save his life. He's more interested in following the straight and narrow. Can there be a future for this sorceress and magicker despite all the lies between them?
Eirik and Sassa from Rage Like the Gods

He's handsome and charming and he knows it.
She knows it too.

A bard and lady. A farmer's son and an orphan. A thief and a knight. Is love enough to unite these two despite their differences?

(all the rest of the illustrations are by Paige Coffer)

Thyre and Vrom from Rage Like the Gods

A former bandit turned assassin.
A soft-hearted werewolf.

No man can tame this harsh warrior, but Vrom isn't looking to tame her. He just wants to share his life with her. And for a woman with no home, family, or allegiances that offer may be too tempting an offer to turn down.

Meruna and Fell from Rage Like the Gods

Two promising magical students.
She has the raw powers, and he has the knowledge.
Now their professor is forcing them work together on all their assignments.

Meruna is wealthy and entitled, Fell may be smart but he has no right even being there. These two would much rather be rivals, but now they must rely on each other to keep their grades up.

Dagmy and Hakon from Rage Like the Gods

An exile turned vampire.
A magically inclined mercenary.
He's running from his future; she's trying to redeem her past.
But they're going to need each other to make it in this world.

These two have very little in common, Dagmy is a stoic warrior and Hakon doesn't know how to shut his mouth. They don't necessarily get along, but together they are unbeatable.

Neltruna and Aernold from Folly of the Gods

She's a thief hoping to buy a better life.
He has a master plan.
Falling in love is too inconvenient...too messy.

These two are both orphans turned thieves. Neltruna is seeking a family since she never had one. Aernolf is determined to never open up his heart again. Best to focus on the business and then part ways when they're both fabulously wealthy.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

What's Next for Ruskhazar

All images from Pinterest, I take no credit for them

With the release of A Tale of Gods and Glory in the rearview mirror it begs the question of what is next in store for my beloved Ruskhazar.

Short answer: A LOT.

The slightly longer and more detailed answer...

Ruskhazar is a vast story world that houses somewhere around 23 books. To be completely honest with you guys, I think that I'll probably be working on these books for at least a decade (with of course other series on the side because let's be real, I can't fully dedicate myself to just one story for one year let alone ten).

I have my Ruskhazar books divided into two eras, the third and the fourth. With the bulk of my books taking place during the third era and a handful of stories set in the fourth. My fourth era books are the farthest off so I talk about them the least, in fact this is really the only mention they will get in this post, since as I already said it could very well take me over a decade to write these books and so we're looking at them being about nine years off and I'm not cruel enough to tease you about something that I probably won't write for nine years. Just know that they exist and someday they will be written.

Today I'm mostly going to be talking about the third era, which has seventeen (possibly eighteen, one story is hanging in limbo as I go back and forth on whether I'll actually write it or not) books set during it. This era is a tumultuous time of necromancer cults, rising dead, and civil war.

A Tale of Gods and Glory is set in the third era, it's actually a standalone so it's the perfect place to sort of dip your toes into Ruskhazar and see if you enjoy this story world without any big and scary commitments. I published it only a few days ago.

click the image to snag your copy now

AToGaG is the only standalone set in the third era (there is one in the fourth era, but I will remind you that we aren't discussing that right now). Of the other third era books we have a smattering of series, four of them to be exact.

Rage Like the Gods—This is sort of the "main" story set in Ruskhazar. It's the first one I ever came up with and is still the longest series in this world. It is five books long as well as having a prequel novella (Between Gods and Demigods which is available free to newsletter subscribers). It is the story of crumbling society, the looming end of the world, the gods' chosen who are destined to save everyone, and everything they choose to do instead.

What the Gods Did—This series is four books long and will have an epilogue short story (what do you call the opposite of a prequel?). It is the tale of four misfits who are conscripted into a crown commissioned monster hunting band. It's a tale of found family and chaos. I actually have a post going into a lot more detail on this series in a couple of weeks.

The Blood of the Gods TrilogyA collection of three loosely connected standalones that span from the beginning of the third era, to the middle of the third era, and the fourth era (which book 3 is actually set in). Each book has different protagonists, but they all dwell on the darker aspects of Ruskhazarian culture. Crime lords and vampirism.

Ancient Gods—Another trilogy this one is not primarily set in the third era because I have three words for you, and they are "fantasy time travel". Yup, that's right these books are actually set in the first and second eras, delving into certain historical events that are only hinted in other books. However, since one of my protagonists is from the third era so it still counts as a third era book.

So yeah, there you have it. When you look at the number 23 it looks pretty big and scary; however, each of the books are written in their respective series (and while I do advise reading all the Ruskhazar books and in the order that I publish them, that's not necessary to understand each individual series). Now that AToGaG is published, my attention has turned to these four series. I actually have them listed in the order of which ones debut first, but I'll be working on all of these series at the same point in some capacity or the other.

Here's the official publishing list for my Third Era books so you can have an approximated timeframe for when each book will release (currently I'm aiming for two releases set in Ruskhazar a year, but I'm hoping in 2024 to start releasing three a year—only time will tell if I actually manage that though).

Between Gods and Demigods (Rage Like the Gods, Book #0.5)—Already Published

A Tale of Gods and Glory (A Legend of Ruskhazar)—Already Published

Rage Like the Gods (Rage Like the Gods, Book #1)—Coming November 11th 2022

The Gods Created Monsters (What the Gods Did, Book #1)—Coming in 2023

Folly of the Gods (Rage Like the Gods, Book #2)—Coming November 11th 2023

An Assassin’s Guide to Cheating the Gods (Blood of the Gods, Book #1)

Rage Like the Gods, Book #3

What the Gods Did, Book #2

An Immortal’s Guide to Betraying the Gods (Blood of the Gods, Book #2)

Ancient Gods, Book #1

Rage Like the Gods, Book #4

What the Gods Did, Book #3

Ancient Gods, Book #2

What the Gods Did, Book #4

Rage Like the Gods, Book #5

Ancient Gods, Book #3

What the Gods Did, Book #4.5

Anyway, to make a long post short and to answer the question of what is the very next thing for Ruskhazar?

Rage Like the Gods is releasing on 11.11.2022

Now I'm curious. What series do you think you are the most excited for that is coming from Ruskhazar? Comment below!