Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Welcome to 2020

I'm sure some of you are wondering what the deal with the starry background is, and that may or may not be that my mind has moved from fantasy worlds to space for the time being, but I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations. And this all certainly has nothing to do with the Mandalorian or X-Files being in my life.

But anyway happy 2020 everyone! I remember 2019 like it was just yesterday y'all.


Honestly, survival would be nice. Somehow everything piled up and now I am having oral surgery, leaving one job and going to another, and trying to tackle maneuverability so I can get my license all within weeks of each other and just *cue endless screaming*

So yeah my goal is basically just survival

A few other things of point is I would like to also work on:

Build stronger relationships with certain people in my life who I want to get to know better

Not stress as much (I'm off to a really great start with that *eye twitches like a maniac*

Art. keep sketching, try different styles and just practice lots. And also start on watercolors.

Actually read books again, including a few books that I made a commitment to read (sorry gals I promise I will get to them as soon as I can <3 thanks for being patient though)

Blog more. I took a lot of hiatuses. my blogging schedule got a little spotty there for a while, and honestly I don't have a set thing that I blog about so yeah. I am going to work on a very serious blogging schedule yadda yadda yadda... what that will entail will probably be lots of posts about writing, movies, and art. I may or may not also include book reviews, what do you all think of that idea?


Last year I had some crazy writing goals and not all of them were realistic so let's see if I can tone it down some this year.

  • Finish editing SoS and publish it in the earlier half of the year (sometime March-May hopefully)
  • Write and publish A Matter of Curiosity by my hopeful due date of October 13th
  • Write Darkness From the Stars and hopefully in time to pitch it at Realm Makers
  • Work on another project that I haven't revealed yet (mwahahaha)
  • Work on my SciFi series and possibly maybe publish it on Wattpad (more on that in a few weeks)
  • Actually edit A Winter Dark and Deadly
  • Figure out what exactly I am going to do with Of Gold and Iron

My word for 2020 is... THRIVE

So yeah, here we go. Let's do this thing.

Anyway, tune in later this week we have a blogging collab and then the long awaited cover reveal for SoS (you don't want to miss this). And next week I will be posting about doing something for my blogging anniversary so that a certain someone (I won't name any fingers or point any names but yeah she knows who she is) can finally get her revenge *rolls eyes*

Anyway HAPPY NEW YEAR you guys! What are some of your goals for this year?


  1. "So yeah my goal is basically just survival" <-- TOO TRUE. That is literally me this year. XD

    Hope you have an awesome 2020, Nicki!! (waitwaitwait, did I read the part about Realm Makers right??? are you planning on going????)

    1. It's a super important goal if I do say so myself XD

      Same to you my friend! (and yes you did and yes I am planning on it ;P)

  2. Oy, you're going to RM this year?? Cool! I'm hoping to go...though with life the way it is, who can tell how things will be come that time of year. *sighs*

    1. That's the plan anyway, but as you pointed out I can't actually say for sure XD

  3. Oh, I'm excited about the cover reveal to SoS!! Have a wonderful 2020!

  4. THRIVE!!! I love that word. :D SO MANY EXCITING 2020 PLAAAAAANS. I'm so excited to watch it all unfold. XD

    Super pumped for that blogging anniversary (*eyes that certain someone* *cackles*) and for A Matter of Curiosity!!!!


      Oh yeah I'm definitely toast but I promised y'all an anniversary blog post so y'all will get one. A Matter of Curiosity needs to stop dragging its feet and actually let me write it.

  5. Love the new background. The Mandalorian and X- files are great inspiration.
