Ah, in case the fact that I didn't post anything last week wasn't enough of an indicator; April sort of chewed me up and spat me back out.
Not necessarily in a bad way, I've just been extraordinarily busy.
April 1st rolled around, and I opened up my laptop ready to write the heck out of Harbinger, only to find an email in my inbox telling me that my editor was done with SoS. I set to work immediately on incorporating her edits then after that, I had only to finish reading it and I would be done. So, I decided to just go ahead and read it. I ended up finishing SoS ten days earlier than I had been intending to publish it, so I just went ahead and published it early.
With that done, I turned my attention back to Harbinger, trying to work on it between work shifts as I picked up extra hours.
But then I got back my edits of MoC and I decided, what the hey? I'm going to publish that on May 1st rather than May 31st. (More on that at the end of this post)
Oh, and I also had to listen to ACSoM's audiobook (which is really good btw) so that I could approve it to be released, so that should go live in a few weeks once ACX approves it on its end.
All of this to say that I haven't even made it to 20k in Harbinger, but I'm working on it! Maybe this week I won't have extra work shifts, I'm writing this early but I'm hoping that I'll be done with MOC and ACSoM's audiobook and I can try to write a whole hecking ton. Once MoC is done, there are no more distractions. No more books that will release before Harbinger so it shall have my undivided attention and hopefully, I'll finish it fairly quickly after that.
Now a little more about A Matter of Curiosity's Release...
Not only is it officially releasing on May 1st now (which is less than a week away Eeeee!), but I'm also doing Pre-Orders for it. This is my first ever attempt at doing Pre-Orders and I'm not doing it through Amazon (although I plan on doing ebook Pre-Orders for Harbinger as well). No these are Pre-Orders for signed paperback copies bought through me.
You can find out all of the information you need and order here.
You can order just MoC or both MoC and ACSoM. Either order you do, you will receive a free art print of Alicia and Dante.
So, what are you waiting for? Fill out the form and prepare to get sucked away to an insanely whimsical adventure!
Anyway, that's all I have popped in to say. It's back into the writing cave for me.