
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Introducing My New WIPs

Yes I've lost my mind

So, I said last week that I was probably going to be starting two new projects, and that I'd try to announce them soon. Well, here we are. Who here is dying of excitement to learn what my new projects are? How many here are shaking your heads at me *glares at my sister*? How many of you are like me and actually fall into both categories?

So, yes, I know I kinda work on a lot of books at once. Believe me, I am well aware of that fact, but the majority of the books that I'm working on, I'm editing and/or rewriting. I haven't actually been able to write much. And A Matter of Curiosity is proving more difficult to get into than I had originally thought. In fact, I am currently suffering a mild case of writer's block.

So I decided that the perfect cure for my little problem of writer's block is to work on some stories for fun in order to remember how to write a book again so that I will be able to more easily write the books that I actually need to write. Hopefully you kept up with my confusing thought process.


But I only need one book to do that, so the question is, why am I deciding to work on two new projects at once when I already don't have any time to work on my other books? Well I guess the only answer to that question is that I couldn't decide between the two of them.

The first is a story idea that has been cooking around in my head since the end of 2017, I decided to write A Winter Dark and Deadly instead of this one. Then I started it last October and it was originally going to be my NaNoWriMo project but I decided to finish Of Gold and Iron instead. The second project is... well, it's completely new. I came up with it last week. *chuckles nervously*

I'll talk about the first project first since it's already waited long enough.

Red Like Blood and Flowers...
                             All's fair in love, war, and bloodshed, M'dear...

In case you didn't gather from my oh so subtle title, Red Like Blood and Flowers is actually a Scarlet Pimpernel retelling. A YA fantasy Scarlet Pimpernel retelling that is the first in a series of other YA fantasy retellings of my favorite classical novels including Dracula, Pride and Prejudice, and Wuthering Heights.

The synopsis...

Darkness clings to the edges of the lavish world of Azrea.

Blood soaks the earth of its neighbor Fulare.

In a world where wealth and prestige is determined by how much magic a person has in their blood, the nobility waste their magic on trivialities, never noticing the seething masses of non or low magickers until it is too late. The common folk of Fulare have decided that they don’t need the nobility or the king’s magic to protect them from monsters from legend.

Equality for all. Death for the magic wielders.

Marguerite St. Andreas is a popular Fularian actress. She possess only a very small talent for magic, but her bevy of suitors don’t seem to care about this fact.

However, when her brother Sydney is imprisoned for treason, she is left with a cruel either or. Find a suitable replacement for her brother’s neck on the scaffold, or he dies. But there is only one person who could be considered a suitable substitute. The Scarlet Pimpernel, a brave soul who risks his life to save those magic wielders who would otherwise face death.

Unwilling to let her brother die for a faceless phantom, Marguerite accepts the proposal of one of her long time suitors, Sir Percival Blackwell, a powerful magic user from Azrea. Percy is an inane idiot, but on his arm, she will be able to infiltrate the high society of Azrea where she must find the Scarlet Pimpernel. Or her brother will die. But is the cost of betrayal a price too high for Marguerite to pay, even for her brother’s life?

In a world of bloody revolution and monsters that hide in human skins, where enchantments conceal sinister intents, is there anyone who can truly be trusted?

And now we move on to the second of my projects.

Remember Me This Time...

                 Forget the past, save the present, and escape the future.

So yeah, if you're thinking that this sounds like a time travel story then you are dead right. Because that is exactly what it is. I'm going to admit to you that I have a special weakness for time travel stories, but I've been too fearful to write one because I was always scared of getting the historical details wrong. But with this story any changes can be chalked up to the plot so... yeah. I have literally no idea about the future of the series, I mean, it's probably going to be a series, or in the very least a really, really long book? It's a tragic romance, a story of friendship, and my first book that will be written solely from a male's perspective.

The synopsis!

Time travel is a thing of the past.

1890, a man dies. Missing from his body is a single note. The man was from the future, and that note just broke history.

It’s the present.

Humanity is in a golden era, making leaps and bounds in technology including the latest conquest- time travel. But time is a delicate thing and so to protect the future, certain fail safes have been put in place. To travel into the past, a person must forget their own present, therefore they will not be able to tamper with history to change the future.

Time travel offers an escape for the outcasts. A new start, a different life. For some...

It’s the future

Jameson Edward Vondrasek has a secret that could destroy everything. He doesn’t forget when he travels through time. He’s also immortal. Jameson has dedicated his existence to learning and protecting time from those who would wish to change the course of historical events. The last things he needs is more complications, especially when he realizes that someone is trying to destroy the past. Let alone complications that come in the form of a girl from the future with no memory.

And time is running out.

Jameson failed to stop that note from being delivered, and now time is falling apart around him. On top of all that, now he suddenly has to deal with a psychotic time traveler who has started plaguing his timeline, and knows too much about him. She doesn’t seem to forget either which makes it suspicious when she suddenly shows up claiming that she has no memory of anything and that his future self sent her to him. He’s expected to babysit her and somehow make her good again while still keeping himself at a distance, because emotions only ever lead to pain.

The clock is ticking… for now.

And it’s up to Jameson to make sure that it remains that way, but with two girls with amnesia and his future self seeming to hinder his every step, he isn’t so sure if he will succeed in time.

Okay, so there you have it. My new projects. What do you all think of them?

Don't forget that throughout the month of March I am accepting questions about myself or my books for the Q&A post I'm doing in April as an official celebration for actually starting a blog (I know I'm a little late, but I'm sure that Jameson can help me out there).

That's all I've got for now. What do you think about my new WIPs? Have you read the Scarlet Pimpernel? What do you think of Time Travel? Do you have any questions for me? Comment below!


  1. I love TSP!! So excited that you're doing a retelling of it!!

    Time travel is fun, though confusing, frankly. But both WIPs sounds really unique!

    1. TSP is the best! I love it so much :D

      I love it when they get timey wimey ;P

  2. Ack, both of these sound awesome, especially the time travel one! (That element is just so FUN!) :)

    1. I'm a sucker for time travel, because there are so many neat (and some not so neat) periods of time you could visit.

  3. EEP! I'm so excited. Both sound amazing. I'm particularly excited for the first project series-- RETELLINGS ARE MY FAVE. I haven't read TSP yet, but I intend to someday, and I can't wait to see your spins on other classics (particularly Dracula-- !!!)!

    1. Thanks! I love retellings so much! Some might be a little closer some might be a lot more different, depends on the book ;P

  4. A SCARLET PIMPERNEL RETELLING???? And time travel?? All of this sounds so EPIC, Nicki!! *screaming*

    Also... HOW do you manage all these WIPs? *shakes head in bewilderment*


      Um, hehe, I don't know, I guess it's just the way I think...

  5. EEK YOU'RE WRITING THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL RETELLING! That had nothing to do with my badgering, did it? XD Because I know I badgered something mighty...

    1. YES!!! I MEAN, I'M HOPING TO ANYWAY!!! I mean, I'm starting this to try to fight my writer's block, if it doesn't work out though I guess I'll have to set it aside again.

      Only a little bit, the story was already doing plenty of badgering itself XD

  6. My sister would love the Scarlet Pimpernel retelling -- good luck! These sound really good!
